

Three simple steps that anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide.
Hegira Health is making a difference.
Death by suicide is a worldwide public health issue. In the U.S suicide rates increased 30% from 2000 to 2018. In 2020, suicide was the second leading cause of death in people aged 10 and the fifth leading cause in people aged 35–54.
Hegira Health knows that prevention works and we are doing our part to educate our community through programs like QPR and our commitment to Zero Suicide.
由 Hegira Health 的 QPR 认证员工提供的 90 分钟免费现场或虚拟培训。为 5 至 50 人的团体安排培训。
艾米·奥斯特兰德(Amy Ostrand), aostrand@hegirahealth.org 。
90 minutes of training can make you a LIFESAVER.
Hegira Health 是一个零自杀组织,我们致力于通过专业培训和社区倡导来支持零自杀的基本信念。
如果您认识某个人现在需要支持,请拨打或发短信至#988,或聊天至 988Lifeline.org。988 会将您与可以提供帮助的经过培训的危机顾问联系起来。