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Uitgebreide, geïntegreerde gedragsgezondheidsdiensten voor baby's tot en met ouderen.

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Attentive Therapist

Gedragsgezondheid Home

Ons Behavioral Health Home biedt coördinatie van geestelijke gezondheid, eerstelijnszorg en sociale diensten voor mensen met ernstige psychische aandoeningen en complexe medische behoeften die intensievere synchronisatie van zorg nodig hebben om hun welzijn te behouden. Ons multidisciplinaire team van verpleegkundigen, casemanagers en peer-supporters werkt samen als een enkel aanspreekpunt om de coördinatie van de complexe zorgbehoeften van elke deelnemer te vereenvoudigen.

This involves connecting individuals with mental health needs to external community resources and social services that can provide additional support, such as housing assistance, financial aid, or legal aid, to address various aspects of their mental health and overall well-being.

Referral to Community & Social Services

The provision of assistance, comfort, and resources to individuals and their families experiencing mental health challenges, aimed at addressing their emotional, social, and practical needs.

Individual & Family Support

This refers to the support and coordination of a patient’s transfer from one mental health care setting to another, and can include the provision of necessary information, care, and support to ensure the individual's seamless transition and ongoing well-being.

Comprehensive Transitional Care

Activities aimed at enhancing the mental health and well-being of individuals, including education, lifestyle modifications, and other interventions designed to improve overall mental health outcomes.

Health Promotion

The deliberate organization of mental health care activities between two or more participants, such as the client, the family, or various mental health providers, to facilitate the appropriate delivery of mental health services.

Care Coordination

This involves the organization and oversight of all aspects of an individual's mental health care, including assessment, planning, facilitation, and advocacy, ensuring the coordination of all services to meet the individual's mental health needs.

Comprehensive Care Management

Hegira Gezondheid Westland

8623 N Wayne Rd suite 104, Westland, MI

Telefoon (734) 469-2770

Hegira Health Lincoln Park Een poliklinische behandeling

26184 West Outer Drive, Lincoln Park, MI 48146

Telefoon (313) 389-7500

Maandag-vrijdag 8:30-18:00 uur


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