Comprehensive integrated behavioral health services for infants through older adults.
Make a Donation
Support Wellness First -Because Mental Health is the Key to Whole Health
Bexşîna we ji me re dibe alîkar ku ji mezinan, zarok û malbatan re, bêyî ku kapasîteya wan a dravdanê an li ku dijîn, karûbarên bingehîn ên hişmendiya tenduristiya behre û dermankirinê peyda bikin. Tenduristiya derûnî bingeha tenduristiya laşî û başbûna giştî ye. Bi dayîna îro, hûn dibin alîkar ku civakek bihêztir, saxlemtir ava bikin - yek kes, yek malbat di demekê de.
Bi hev re, em dikarin saxlemiyê ji bo her kesî mimkun bikin.
Donate by Mail
Donate a personal check to Hegira Health with the mailing address listed below.
37450 Schoolcraft Rd, Ste 110
Livonia, MI 48150
(734) 458-4601
Donate Online with PayPal
Donate securely online from any device.
Hegira Health, Inc. (HHI) is a leading 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing specialized mental health, substance abuse treatment, and primary care services to individuals of all ages.
With over 50 years of service to Wayne County, we proudly serve more than 10,000 people annually through our extensive network of health clinics and behavioral health programs.
As one of Michigan's largest independent behavioral healthcare providers, we are deeply committed to promoting wellness and ensuring that quality care is accessible to everyone.
At HHI, our mission is Wellness First: we offer personalized, high-quality, and easily accessible integrated healthcare that meets the diverse needs of the communities we serve.