Comprehensive integrated behavioral health services for infants through older adults.
Internships and Preceptorships
Across our service network, Hegira Health offers in-vivo learning opportunities to students pursuing careers in behavioral health. Opportunities include single site assignments for persons with clear sights on a career pathway. For those who want a broader experience, customized experiences that include opportunities across services, populations and locations are available to explore.
Current training opportunities include:
Internships for degree seeking students in accredited Bachelor and Masters behavioral health related services
Preceptorships for NPs
Psychiatry Resident Rotations
Em ji xwendekarên xwe re pêşkêş dikin:
Bernameyên Flexible
Koordînasyona bi Karmendên Dibistanê re ji bo ku hemî pîvanên ji bo qedandinê têne bicîh kirin
Çavdêriya kesane ya li ser malperê
Derfetên ji bo hevdîtinê bi stajyerên din ên ji seranserê rêxistinê li Monthly Lunch and Learns
Piştgiriya Kesane ji Serokatiya HHI
Bonûsa 3,000 $ ji bo stajyerên ku piştî mezûniyetê derbasî kar dibin
1,000 $ di heyama yekem a dayîna tevahî de
1000 $ di 90-rojan de
1000 $ di 6 mehan de
If you are interested in pursuing an internship with HHI, email your inquiry to at least 30-days before the beginning of your internship semester begins.
Hegira Health currently has affiliation agreements with the following colleges and universities:
● Central Michigan University
● Eastern Michigan University
● Michigan School of Professional Psychology
● Michigan State University
● Oakland University
● University of Michigan
● University of Detroit Mercy
● University of Denver
● Wayne State University
● Western Michigan University
Xwendekarên ku naha di bernameyên destûrdayî û mezûnî yên pejirandî yên ku HHI pêwendiyek heyî bi wan re nîne, têne teşwîq kirin ku li ser derfetan bipirsin.
If you have questions about internship opportunities or you would like to be
considered for placement with one of HHI's clinics/programs,
please email us at
Master-level and Bachelor-level internships require availability during regular business hours and students are asked to make a minimum commitment of 200 hours per term/semester.
HHI requires the following information for student internship placement: consideration not less than 30 days prior to commencement of the academic semester:
● Current Resume
● HHI Interest Form
● Goal Statement/Letter of Interest
● University Verification
● Copy of License to Practice (if applicable)