Omvattende geïntegreerde gedragsgesondheidsdienste vir babas deur ouer volwassenes.
Mobiele krisisstabilisering
Mobile Crisis Stabilization
Who is this service intended for:
Mobile Crisis services are available 24-hours 7 days for persons of all ages needing assistance to avert or recover from a behavioral health crisis. This service is provided by a licensed therapist and peer recovery specialist and does not include medication prescribing or administration.
Criteria for Admission:
Alle ouderdomme kom in aanmerking vir dienste. Dienste aan minderjariges vereis dat 'n ouer of wettige voog teenwoordig moet wees.
Die aanbiedingsprobleem sluit nie aggressiewe gedrag of dreigemente van aggressiewe gedrag in nie.
Individuele bedien soek vrywillig dienste.
Dwelmmisbruik sifting is negatief
24- hours per Day Access
Scope of care:
Mental health and substance use assessment
Family/Guardian and Individual Counseling
Crisis Prevention Plan
Care Coordination
Transpiration as needed to the COPE facility
Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies
Crisis intervention and stabilization service to adults in Wayne County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
33505 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150
Phone (734) 721-0200
AFC Line (833) 232-3004
Toll-Free (844) 296-2673
24 Hours | 365 Days
Fax (844) 831-5550