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Omvattende geïntegreerde gedragsgesondheidsdienste vir babas deur ouer volwassenes.

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Hoe kan ons help?

As jy 'n lewensgevaarlike mediese noodgeval ervaar , bel 911 of gaan na jou naaste noodkamer.

Macomb County Crisis Line

Skakel 855-927-4747

Wayne County Crisis Line

Skakel 800-241-4949

Oakland County Crisis Line

Skakel 800-231-1127

Nasionale Selfmoordvoorkomingslyn

Bel, SMS of gesels 988

24 Hour Help Lines for Urgent, Non-Life Threatening Behavioral Health Support


Thank you for your interest in Hegira Health. We value your connection and are here to assist you in any way we can. Whether you have questions, want to make a donation, seek collaboration or partnership opportunities, or have a press inquiry, we would love to hear from you.


If you are experiencing a non-life-threatening behavioral health urgent need, Hegira Health's Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies is open to walk-ins 24/7 at 33505 Schoolcraft Road in Livonia.


If you are experiencing a life threatening medical emergency call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.


For information about Hegira Health services, call 734-458-4601. Messages sent on weekends or after 5:00pm on weekdays will be returned the next business day.

Your voice and interest play a crucial role in supporting our mission. We look forward to connecting with you, addressing your needs, and exploring ways to collaborate and create a positive impact together.


Thank you for reaching out to Hegira Health.

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Customer Service

Vir vrae of bekommernisse oor programme en dienste, kan individue ons kliëntediensverteenwoordiger kontak:

Leatrice Bell

Vir gehoorgestremdes: TTY 711

Kliëntediens-ure: 8:30-17:00, Maandag-Vrydag

Oproepe wat na gewone besigheidsure ontvang word, sal in een werksdag teruggestuur word.

As jy 'n dringende behoefte het om met 'n Geestesgesondheidsterapeut of Psigiater te praat vir ondersteuning, sorgkoördinasie en/of medikasie, bel of besoek:

Hegira Health se 24-uur-instapsentrum
COPE: Gemeenskapsuitreik vir psigiatriese noodgevalle
Geleë te 33505 Schoolcraft Road in Livonia
1-844-296-COPE (2673)

Gesamentlike Kommissie Seël
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© 2025 Hegira Health Inc., 'n geregistreerde 501(c)(3)-organisasie

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