Omvattende geïntegreerde gedragsgesondheidsdienste vir babas deur ouer volwassenes.


Sluit aan by 'n adviesgroep
For our participants convenience, all Advisory Group
meetings are available both in-person and remotely.
Jy moet dit oorweeg om by HHI se Gemeenskapsadviespaneel aan te sluit as jy:
Is deur geestesongesteldheid, dwelmmisbruik en/of ontwikkelingsgestremdheid geraak
Ondersteun die herstel van iemand wat jy ken of vir wie jy omgee
Wil jy meer ondersteuning hê in jou eie herstel
Het 'n idee vir 'n nuwe diens of program
Wil jy gemeenskapshulpbronne deel of leer oor
Het iets te sê oor die lewe met chroniese siektes

HHI’s Community Advisory Panel is an opportunity for clients, family members, friends and other concerned persons impacted by behavioral health conditions to provide input and make recommendations on matters important to the people we serve.
HHI’s Community Advisory Panel meets the the 2nd Wednesday of each month in Westland from 2:00 - 3:30pm. If you are interested in joining, please contact Leatrice Bell at (734) 968-6534.

CCBHC Adviesraad
HHI se Gesertifiseerde Gemeenskap Gedragsgesondheidskliniek (CCBHC) Adviesraad hersien die doelwitte en doelwitte wat verband hou met HHI se proses om 'n goed ontwikkelde CCBHC te word. 'n Direktesorgpersoneellid deel ervarings van die implementering van die projek vanuit hul perspektief en vanuit die perspektief van die verbruikers wat gedurende daardie kwartaal bedien is.
Lede sal beide individue insluit wat deur HHI bedien word vir gedragsgesondheid en verteenwoordigers van gemeenskapsbelanghebbende organisasies.
HHI se Gesertifiseerde Gemeenskap Gedragsgesondheidskliniek (CCBHC) Adviesraad vergader op 'n kwartaallikse basis. As jy belangstel om aan te sluit, kontak asseblief vir Greg Seedott by (734) 838-1000.

Adviesgroep vir dwelmgebruik
HHI’s Substance Use Advisory Group is an opportunity for persons with passion for substance use disorders, prevention, treatment and recovery the opportunity to influence current and future services in our community and beyond.
Members include persons with lived experience, their family members, HHI staff and board members, and community professionals from a broad scope of public and private industries including government, law enforcement, criminal justice, healthcare, education, employment training, and finance among others.
HHI’s Substance Use Advisory Group meets bi-monthly. If you are interested in joining, please contact Salvatore Russo at (734) 499-1522